State of the Blog, 14 September 2016

Well, another thirty-odd days have come and gone here on the blog. Here's how things have been going so far:

XCOM: The Long War: Work continues on finishing the prologue. A lot of the delay comes into the fact that these episodes are a lot more thriller or mystery than straight-forward action. They also suffer from a great deal of rewrites, sometimes entire wipes of the project, which further slow them. Despite that, we are building to the ultimate conclusion of the prologue, which is to set the stage for the events of the forthcoming XCOM: The Long War series. On that note, I have begun thinking about how I will write out the actual episodes for that, which I explain more in detail once we get closer.

Destiny: As always, more episodes are being churned out at a fairly regular basis, which is great. With the origin stories, so to speak, for all three of the main characters, work can now properly begin on the story of Destiny itself. From here, the entire wide world of the game awaits. With Rise of Iron dropping in only five days (look for a blog update within a week of launch all about it), I'm very excited for where this will go.

Blog Organization: The introduction of tags to the blog, as well as a (semi-)updated list on the side of series and episodes in said series should help keep things organized well into the future. Worth nothing that I do not intend to keep the Destiny series organized under only one tag. Instead, once the story reaches The Taken King, the tags will switch for episodes past that goalpost to Destiny: The Taken King, and so on and so forth into the future. It should keep things organized, and prevent one single story tab on the side from becoming (too) horrifically bloated. However, I will keep searching for ways to organize the blog in better and more intuitive ways.


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