State of the Blog, 28 November 2016

I'm sure all three people who actually read these blog updates are thinking something around the same thing:

"What the hell, Wanderer? Where'd you run off to?"

Well, strangely acerbic blog-reader who is likely a reflection of my own mental state, it's been a busy month. A really busy month. Final examinations are in three weeks, and everything's coming down to the wire (as it has a tendency to do when it comes to me), so things have been put to the side. So, without further ado, here's the updates so far.

XCOM: Yes, yes, I know I said I'd finish it for Halloween. That was a mistake. In fact, I recently realized that I didn't like the plot I had going at all (though I might reuse it for the next episode of the Prologue), and decided to scrap it. One of the reasons for this, aside from it being extremely difficult to make a Twin Peaks-esque mystery, is that there have been far too many chapters set inside the United States, with 2/3 of them set in the Land of the Free. I'm still mulling through ideas for Episode IV, but I'm thinking that setting it somewhere in Asia would be a good way to add spice to the whole equation, and continue the whole theme of "oh God, the aliens are threat to the entire planet." So, yeah, Episode IV is on hiatus and will be finished eventually.

Destiny: At least here I have some good news. Work is continuing on the second-to-last Side Episode for what I'm titling Volume I of the story (funny how a "Side Episode" that's only supposed to take a day or two of writing to finish is turning into a multi-week ordeal, but then again it's not like I've really been at it a lot), and after this there is only Sepiks Prime himself and one final Side Episode before we turn our attention to Luna. Expect to see this stuff coming soon, hopefully, and hopefully I can organize all of this into a post to put up on the official Destiny reddit as well as the usual places I post these things.

As a final note for this month, I've been mulling over turning on ads on the blog. I know that no one likes advertisements, but as a poor college student I could use any revenue I can get. I'll sit on my hands on this one and think about it, but if people flow through this site enough, I might consider flipping that on.


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