State of the Blog, December 2016

And so 2016 comes to a snowy, yet somewhat warm end. I'm sure a lot of people have thoughts on this years events, for better or for worse, but I'm going to decline the opportunity to do the same. What has happened has happened, and no measure of pontification will change the past. Instead, I eagerly await whatever fortunes 2017 brings, and continue to lower my nose to the grindstone.

I wish all of my readers (all six of you) a belated Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a very Happy New Years.

As a final note, I'm working on editing "Volume One" of my Destiny story into a single, near-150 page Word Document that I will be putting up on my Google Drive. Expect a link sooner rather than later, hopefully before 2017. I am also beginning work on Episode 10, so expect that soon-ish as well.


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