Destiny, Episode XXIII: A Debt

Previous Episode: Episode XXII, The Gatelord's Eye
Next Episode: Episode XXIV, The Exclusion Zone

Somewhere in the Reef…
Day 053

   The reception wasn’t quite as cold the second time Lisset reached the realm of the Awoken. Her Galliot was met by two others the moment she dropped back into real-space. They had escorted her all the way to the Queen’s chambers, taking a different path than before. Perhaps it was the same path, and in the ever-changing Reef things had changed in the days between visits.

   Security had tightened considerably, changed along with the route. The Awoken guards wore faceguards on their helmets, hiding their expressions from the world, but Lisset knew how they felt just by looking at them - they were on edge, and it wasn’t because of her. Something was building, some private business between the Awoken and some other power, though she didn’t know what. How that would color her meeting with the Queen, Lisset couldn’t say.

   Two guards waited for her at the entrance to the throne room. Lisset wasn’t sure if they were the same as the last time, but the nasty scowl she got from the one on the right answered that question for her. It was hard not to notice the guard’s hand fall to her sidearm, protecting it jealously in case of another “outburst.” Lisset came to a stop before them, her arms respectfully at her side. “I request an audience with Her Majesty, the Queen.”

   “Her Majesty has been waiting for you.” The guard on the left said coldly. Her hand fell to a panel on the side of the door, and suddenly the passage opened with a hiss. The Hunter didn’t need any further directions. One foot calmly after the other, she passed through the door and onto the long stretch leading to the throne.

   The fear that she had felt the first time she had walked into the throne room came back, abated but still present. It was hard not to feel intimidated when meet Mara Sov, a woman who had built an empire. Quietly, she pushed that fear back as best as she could - weakness would curry no favor.

   Prince Uldren was waiting for her at the throne, as was the Queen herself. The two Fallen guards were still there, but they were flanked now by two Awoken soldiers as well. Silently, the Hunter took it all in as she approached the throne. Uldren moved to meet her, a twisted smile on her face.

   “Back already?” The Prince said, his voice sly and biting. “Running away is excellent strategy, save for the cowardice of it.”

   Lisset’s eyes narrowed as she came to a stop, and she cocked her head to look at the man. “My Prince, I did not run.”

   “Was no Gate Lord slain, brother?” The Queen spoke, her voice echoing in the hall. Uldren turned to look at her, but before he could say a word Dal flashed into existence by his Guardian’s side.

   “Oh, we slayed a Gate Lord.” The Ghost interrupted. Lisset looked over at him, a wry smile appearing on her face to match the Prince’s.

   “Dal, if you don’t mind?” She asked. There was a flash, and suddenly the dome of the massive Vex machine materialized out of thin air half a meter above the ground. It hit the deck with a clank that resonated in the empty hall. Queen Sov sat a little higher in her seat, and Uldren’s smile vanished entirely. “My Queen, we did what we promised to do.” Lisset continued, taking a step forward. “At great cost, we did find and destroy the Vex machine. Please, I ask that you show us the way to the Black Garden.”

   “They don’t even know where it is.” Uldren scoffed.

   “Let us tell them.” The Queen’s voice echoed in the hall. The Prince turned in surprise to the sound of his sister. “Search the Gate Lord for that which gains them entrance.”

   For the first time, a scowl formed on the Prince’s face as he looked at his sister. “Why?” He pressed, taking a step forward. “If you wish them dead, why not kill them here?”

   Mara Sov examined her brother, her face perfectly placid. There was a pause as the two fought a wordless battle.

   “Often when we guess at other’s motives, we only reveal our own.”

   Uldren walked slowly to the throne, taking a knee at its foot. “My motive is loyalty - to a people, a Queen, and a sister.”

   “Then, please.” Mara Sov coldly intoned. “Take what is required.”

   Uldren didn’t say a word as he got back to his feet. He slowly approached the dismembered Vex head, looking down at the overturned hulk. He turned back to look at his sister. Slowly, the Queen nodded. The Prince looked down at the wreck and unsheathed his knife, the blade that had been inches from Lisset’s neck just a few weeks before. As quickly as the last time he had used it, Uldren’s knife flashed before plunging into the Vex skull. The thing rocked as he cut through circuitry and wiring before suddenly pulling the knife back, returning it to its sheathe. The Prince stuck his hand into the area where he had done his dissection, and suddenly yanked out a small cylindrical device - the Gate Lord’s eye. There was no light glowing inside the red crystal, empty and lifeless.

   Uldren hefted it in his hand, spinning to show it to both the Queen and the Hunter, his smile returning to his face. “Dead, unfortunately.” He said cuttingly. “A wasted journey, I’m afraid.”

   “Perhaps.” The Queen spoke. Uldren turned to look at her, surprised. “But we find these ones resourceful. We gift them, in sympathy of their Traveler.”

   Uldren sighed, and turned to look back at the Hunter. He suddenly threw the eye at her, arcing gracefully through the air. Lisset caught it quickly before it could hit the floor, making an echoing smack as it hit her gauntlet. “I do hope you are recording this, because I will only say this once.” He spoke, suppressing his anger. “Mars. Eighty-four North, thirty-two East. Meridian Bay.”

   The Queen suddenly stood, rising gracefully from her throne. All eyes turned to face her save for Uldren’s, who remained fixed on the Guardian before him. “We have shown you benevolence, Hunter Lisset.” She said. A chill ran down Lisset’s spine at the sound of her own name leaving Mara Sov’s lips. “Should the Awoken ever need an ally, I will call upon you. And expect you to answer.”

   “She’s saying you owe us, Guardian.” Uldren spat the last word, his teeth gritted in a menacing display.

   “I will heed your call, Your Grace.” Lisset replied, bowing low. “Of that you may be assured. I was a Corsair once, after all.”

   The Queen nodded to the guards flanking the Hunter, and they prodded her softly in the side. Lisset turned, and along with the others quietly walked away. Uldren smiled one last time. “Good luck!” He called after her. “Getting past the Exclusion Zone.”


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